Pregnancy – Omega-3
Your baby’s brain grows very quickly during pregnancy. Especially in the second half of pregnancy.
50% of the brain is made up of Omega-3 fatty acids. To meet the needs of the fetus, the mother uses her own herd. If you have low levels of Omega-3 fatty acids in your blood and tissues, you use stores from the brain. This is one of the main causes of gestational dementia and diabetes, as well as postpartum depression. Therefore, we recommend consuming extra Omega-3 before and during pregnancy!
“Omega-3 is food for the brain. It has implications for cognition, attention, concentration and depression.
It lasts throughout our lives, from 2 years before conception until old age.”
Dr. Jacqueline Stordy
(English researcher and nutricionist)
It would be important to fix and consume Omega-3 before conception.
The body needs to be prepared for pregnancy. Where does the fetus need Omega-3? Vision, eyes, nerves, brain cells.
The body sometimes “defends itself” when there is no Omega-3 in the pregnant body so that it does not remain pregnant.
Just think about it. We “implant” the fetus in an inflammatory environment. Wonder if you don’t stay pregnant? Let’s put the environment in order first.
In addition to consuming Omega-3, it is extremely important to get the right vitamins K2 and D3 because it affects the bone system, jaw and teeth of the unborn child.